This question is not a matter of choice, it's a matter of fact!! We have to transition to Solar Power. We have doubled the amount of heat trapped in low altitude since 2005. We are producing more carbon and melting ice, this combination not only heats up the Earth but reduces the amount of deflected sun light. With Solar we can harness this energy and save our Planet. PLEASE don't take my word for it, research Solar for yourself. Contact me in you would like more information on transitioning to Solar. SMART SOLAR ONLINE Portland. Please reach out no sales calls just facts.
5 Reasons Why Choosing Solar Energy is Good for the Economy
By: Christine Orlando
December 18, 2020
Solar energy isn’t just good for the environment. Choosing solar energy over traditional fossil fuels creates clear economic benefits. In fact, governments, scientists, and nonprofit think-tanks have all weighed in on the case for expanding solar and other renewable energy sources as the answer to the world’s energy problems.
Today, the power to choose where your energy comes from has never been more important. Let’s talk about the five reasons why tens of thousands of Texas customers are choosing solar to power their lives and improve the economy.
1. Solar Energy Diversifies the U.S. Energy Mix
Energy diversification is a huge topic within the energy industry. When a country, state or electric grid expands its energy mix, they make the intentional choice to source power from a variety of different resources, including:
Natural gas
Almost every energy insider agrees that diversification strengthens the security of our energy infrastructure. Having different ways of producing electricity protects consumers from price spikes and lowers the chances of a real energy crisis from a natural disaster or if any one energy source fails. As for solar, the U.S. currently has enough solar capacity to power 16.1 million American homes, approximately 85 GW of power!1 However, solar’s got a LONG way to go before it becomes truly dominant. As of 2019, solar power only owned 1.7% of the total U.S. share of utility-scale electricity.2 What’s on the horizon for solar? The U.S. Energy Information Administration forecasts that solar will rise by 12.8 GW in 2020 and 14 GW in 2021.3 And we’re certain it will only get bigger — and even more accessible! 2. Solar Energy Creates Jobs It’s a plain and simple fact that clean energy creates jobs. According to the 2020 Clean Jobs America report from nonpartisan group E2, renewable energy supports more than 500,000 jobs in America. Within that, solar supports approximately 345,000 of those jobs.4 Moreover, clean energy (renewable energy being a subset) accounts for 40% of the United States’s entire energy workforce.4 That’s 40% of all energy jobs! And if the Energy Information Administration’s forecasts are accurate, that percent will only grow larger and larger.
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