Something I wrote called "slipping away"
Time keeps on slipping slipping away,, Dreams lost caught in a maze some rest others play a forecast that's wrong no umbrella I love the rain in my face time keeps on slipping slipping away like and old clock man how long is this going take when's the next bus maybe Ill take the train time goes by slow but sometimes time go by fast in a blink of eye a fragment of a second and my fathers gone looking at his ash's I thought they would be grey time keeps on slipping slipping away my Dad ash's were gold like a California sunset that streams across the setting sky touching the the end of the of the shimmering waters somewhere waiting for me I know he'll be happy to see me, time goes by in a blink of an eye slipping away it' makes me think about what I missed the girl the kiss the game I never played that girl did get away that's Ok I will catch the next train or maybe I'll take the bus maybe i will walk some run some fall will I ever be able to lift up? will I just bring you down, all I can do is try time keeps on slipring slipping away light catch's the dust that hangs in the window frozen in the old smell of my 5th grade school bus we are here for a minute just to watch the world pass us by. Friends lost friends forgotten or just slipped away the girl that got away maybe this time I catch up to you on the bus maybe the train or maybe ill take your hand for a nice walk time keeps on slipping slipping away. Jan 2023 something I wrote "Slipping Away" by Marek Theodore Page